
Warwick Anti-Racism President & Socs Officer candidate, advocating acid attacks and making death threats to Warwick students

Breaking News: FOI request proves Warwick SU wrong (or liars) over Student Compensation

Breaking News: Rebellion in Warwick Labour! Plans to oust scandal-ridden Chair

Breaking: 100 Student Protestors cause £900+ damage to the University of Warwick

Breaking Lies: Student Union President furious with students after Referendum, in an expletive-filled rant

NEWS: Students warned - Fake Warwick 2017 Freshers Groups run by data-miners, programmers, and event promoters

CARTOON #2: Simultaneously Promoting and Undermining Warwick...

NEWS: Ellie King elected new Chair of Warwick SU Council, after just 70/24,000 students were invited

Leaked: SU Council votes down having directly elected members, amid calls '7 straight, white, cis males could be elected'