
The Warwick Eye is the leading news site for investigative journalism at the University of Warwick. We have full editorial independence from the Warwick Students Union, and the University.

It seeks to hold those account at Warwick, where traditional sources like the Boar and others are unable to report on certain topics - not because they are intentionally bias, but simply they don't always have insider sources in the thick of it, or simply can not bite the hand that feeds them (aka, provides them an office to work in!). Like the Private Eye, you won't see a byline that you are used to, in your conventional news sources - anonymity helps to keep our authors and sources free to report inconvenient stories.

Whether you are a Student Society, the Student Union, or the University, we will report the news without fear or favour, and often about the behind-the-scenes stories that few will get to know.

If you have any stories to break, or been ignored by the usual channels, we are here to listen and help.

Contact us via email, at thewarwickeye@gmail.com


We are a small team at the moment, and always reporting. Get in touch if you are interested.

