The Boar newspaper caught plagiarising article from The Guardian

The Boar - the student-run university newspaper - has allegedly been caught plagiarising a recent article from The Guardian. The Boar's article entitled "Education reforms favour privateschool students, figures show" stoked accusations of plagiarism after it was noticed the article had a striking resemblance in structure and content to a recent Guardian article entitled "Exam reforms boost private pupils in race for universities", which is coincidentally quoted in the Boar's article.

Perhaps an article isn't the only thing stolen looking at the Boar's logo

Pictured below is an example of where The Boar’s article seems to follows the same format, structure, and content as the Guardian’s article. We encouraged the reader to read both articles, perhaps play a game of ‘spot the difference’, it shouldn't take long.

Guardian article and Boar article compared side-by-side

Whilst to the human eye, it would appear that great swathes of the Guardian's article were taken and implanted into the Boar’s article, people are not infallible, so an impartial test was conducted. To fairly assess these accusations of plagiarism, the Boar's article was put through the Grammarly plagiarism detection system. The result of the aforementioned test was that the Boar's article was found to have ‘significant plagiarism’.

Overview of results from the plagiarism test of the Boar article

In the Eye’s view, this incident not only represents a seeming lack of journalistic integrity by using the Guardian's article, but also showcases a potential impartiality problem in the Boar's reporting considering the Guardian's framing of the story was taken wholeheartedly as the Boar's own.


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