News: Outrage at Warwick SU’s ‘Sabotage’ over Student compensation

Have you ever heard of the Mandela effect? It is a phenomenon where multiple people remember something that didn’t happen, such as reports of people remembering Nelson Mandela dying in prison, when of course, he didn’t. 
It appears to be the case that students at the University of Warwick are experiencing this same Mandela Effect, as many students vividly remember a motion passing at the last All Student Meeting that mandated the Warwick Student Union to lobby for direct compensation to students affected by strikes, rather than lobbying for the money saved due to strikes going into a Student Hardship Fund.
However, how can these memories be true when the SU announced on the 16th July that "Following sustained lobbying by the Sabbatical Officer team, the SU is pleased to announce that the £400k generated in savings to the University due to [strikes]… will be divided between the student hardship fund… together with the creation of new study spaces on campus”?

Showdown between the Warwick Student Union and Warwick Students

As it turns out, people didn’t imagine the motion ‘Warwick SU for Returning Tuition Fees from Strike Days'. In fact, it became SU policy when it was passed on the 25th May with overwhelmingly 75% of votes cast being in favour of the motion. 
With the policy stating that without change the SU will lobby for the money saved to go into a fund, and that by passing this motion, the SU will have to lobby for ‘…direct compensation from the University of Warwick for students directly affected by the UCU strike…’.
The SU pre-emptively tries to justify their actions in the same announcement by saying ‘…this pot of money (the £400,000) is separate from tuition fees.’. However, the original motion authors, disagree with this assessment, saying to the Eye that: 

"It was made clear at the time that by voting for the motion, it would mandate the SU to change its policy on forfeited staff wages, from lobbying for it to go into a fund to lobbying for direct compensation to students.

Yet, this latest news, we believe, is breaking the mandate given when the motion passed, and the SU’s justification for what they have done borders on being purposely ignorant. To believe that the money saved due to the strikes wouldn't be the major source of money for refunds is beyond ridiculous, if not, sabotage.

By negotiating this pot of money away, the SU have throw away the best chance for students to receive any money back as compensation."

The Eye wonders what are the chances students will ever see a penny of compensation from strikes?

By the Warwick Eye

