Leaps and Bounds: from Anti-Semitism to NUS Delegates occupying NUS Conference! Ft. Hope Worsdale

The National Union of Students (NUS) is no stranger to controversy, and once again a select bunch of delegates have managed to launch the Union into the focus of national attention.

This afternoon, 150 NUS delegates stormed the NUS Conference stage - including someone no less then our Warwick SU President, Hope Worsdale.

Image may contain: 7 people, people standing
Warwick SU President, Hope Worsdale running 'out of things to protest' about - occupying the NUS!

Warwick students on the University of Warwick Official Freshers Page accused Worsdale of running "out of things to protest [about], and is now occupying the NUS itself!".

Another student suggested that "I reckon [the post criticising Worsdale] is gonna be taken down soon...." - refering to Warwick SU's Communications Coordinator, Chris Carter censoring memes criticising the UCU strikes and campaigning in foreign languages last month.

The occupation came about when student delegates spent too much time debating Brexit, which left a number of delegates angry that there was insufficient time to debate abortion in Northern Ireland and supporting student sex workers.

The occupation drew the ire of some students at Warwick, who questioned whether Warwick's own annual £20,000 membership fees in the NUS, was "money well spent"?

Despite the occupation, the NUS has improved a year on. Yesterday, Shakira Martin was re-elected NUS President, who came to national fame in 2017 defeating Malia Bouattia, the staunch left NCAFC candidate with a past of making anti-Semitic comments. NCAFC is an organisation backed by Jeremy Corbyn, who himself is currently being held to account for comments supporting Anti-semitism in 2012.

By Warwick Eye
