NEWS: The Eye finds SU voting records, meeting minutes & Boycott List - in obscure 'public' link...

According to the By-Laws and Regulations of Warwick Students Union, agendas and minutes of the SU's key committees have to be made available on the Union's website. Of course... where on the website is a completely different kettle of fish!

After some good searching, the Eye confirms that the SU does publish a lot of their documents online...

Instead of all public 'Documents' being accessible from one shortcut in the 'page list' on the Union's homepage -, all the documents are available together in the following link:

The standalone link is forbidden for students to access.

Wait. Let's get this right... the homepage for WarwickSU's Democracy Files is forbidden to access, instead the documents are accessible in the sub-page link '/council' in Democracy Files'!

These 'public' SU documents are about as accessible to the average Warwick student, as the Chand Baori is for a wheelchair user...

SU documents about as accessible to the average Warwick student, as the Chand Baori is for a wheelchair user (Image by Doron, from Wikipedia). The Chand Baori is a 13-layered step well for water in India, also used to shelter from the sun.

Of the files that SU publish, they are a fairly comprehensive compliation - with files dating back to 2012. Regarding content, details of the SU's All Student Meetings, Boycott List, By-Laws, Democracy Working Group, Funding Committee, Information, Memorandum & Articles, Policy, Regulations, Sabbatical Meeting [Minutes], Standing Orders, Student Council, Execs [meeting minutes], and Procedures & Principles, are all available.

Summary of the important things that we found:
1) SU Boycott List - we found that WarwickSU boycotts 300 companies on paper, but 180 of these are unknown to students.
2) Your Union Council public voting record - from the Council Minutes. The Eye reported the controversies from the 2017 Term 3 Week 4 meeting, here.
3) What your SU Exec committees have done this year - from the Exec Minutes that they must publish according to Regulation 8. Well... this year (after the Term 3 ended - as of July 11 2017), the Welfare Exec published seven meeting minutes, whilst Education Exec published only one.

More to follow soon - The Eye reports, do all your SU reps actually work hard!? Don't hold your breath...

By Warwick Eye

Warwick SU By Laws (link)
Warwick SU Regulations (link)
All of Warwick SU's public documents (link)
Warwick SU Homepage (link)
Warwick SU Boycott List (link)
Warwick SU Council Minutes 2016-17 (link)
The Eye reports controversy at 2017 Term 3 Week 4 Council Meeting (link)
Warwick SU Regulation - Student Exec Regualtions (link)
